DIA-TRUpin truing tool

DIA-TRUpin from Diacut Makes Truing & Reconditioning of Resin-Bond Grinding Wheels Easy

1 November, 2016 diacut Comments Off
Quality Pin Allows Diamond and CBN Wheels to be Easily Reshaped into Like-New Condition

Palmer Lake, CO — (SBWIRE) — 11/01/2016 — Any grinding wheel that is utilized on a regular basis is exposed to typical wear and tear that will eventually break it down. Diamond and CBN blades, while more resistant to wear, aren’t immune to this type of deterioration; making regular maintenance of the blade critical to long term performance and efficiency. The professionals at Diacut recognize the need for long-lasting, reliable blades, which is why they developed the DIA-TRUpin, a device designed to make truing and reconditioning of resin bond diamond blades easy and restores them to “like-new” condition.

It is clear that this pin will change the way companies see the upkeep of their wheels. Users of diamond blades should note three distinct advantages of the DIA-TRUpin:

– True newly mounted diamond blades on the machine
– Allows users to recondition wheels without removing the wheel from the machine
– Once the truing or reshaping of the wheel is complete, users can go right back to work without relying on a dressing or re-sharpening stick.

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